Using EHR Tutor in a Lab setting
EHR Tutor is designed to be flexible enough for use in a variety of lab settings including skills labs and high fidelity simulation labs.
Using EHR Tutor in a Lab setting
EHR Tutor is designed to be flexible enough for use in a variety of lab settings including skills labs and high fidelity simulation labs.
In a Simulation Lab
Intuitive, one time setup for Patient Charts and Scenarios - EHR Tutor includes 100+ pre-loaded patient charts as well as the ability to edit our patient charts or create your own. Any charting done within a simulation saves within that activity and will not alter your template patient. All charting done on template patients will update with relative dates and times based on when a student first opens a patient chart in the lab. For example, a four month old patient will always be four months old and a medication given twenty minutes ago on a template chart will always show as given twenty minutes ago no matter when your student actually uses the patient. Never update a chart again after your initial setup!
Update charts in real time during a simulation- Using a shared patient, you can edit a scenario during a simulation so your students can see changes like added orders or a drop in vital signs during the simulation.
Shared patients for group work and collaborative labs - Shared Patients allow all students with access to an activity to view and edit a patient chart. That way, you can have groups of several students work on one chart and see each other group member's charting throughout the lab, or you can have students update a chart during a simulation and then pass that chart to the next group of students for further updates.
Realistic barcode scanning and medication dispensing - With an inexpensive, USB barcode scanner you can have students scan barcodes using our Medication Administration Records on any usb compatible device. Integration with Pocket Nurse® Demo Dose® and Wallcur Practi-Meds™ allows you to scan preprinted barcodes with no additional printing. EHR Tutor's Cabinet Management feature helps bring digital dispensing into your simulation lab, a start-to-finish providing your students with a start to finish learning experience.
Pre Simulation review and planning - Create individual patient access so each student can review a scenario before entering the simulation lab. This allows your students to familiarize themselves with the scenario, create a Care Plan and/or prioritize orders -- all of which saves time during the actual simulation.
Debriefing - All charting done during a simulation is saved for Instructors to review and/or grade after simulation.
Post Simulation charting and review - Allow students individual patient access to review a chart after a simulation and complete follow up charting, journals and/or Care Plans.
In a basic Skills Lab
Access a hospital full of patients - Our preloaded patient charts give you access to a hospital full of patients with a variety of diagnoses. During skills practice, use one of our patients or edit our scenarios for quick setup.
Students can view and prioritze orders - On any patient chart students will be able to view orders for that patient including medications and other skills. Students can prioritize which actions need to be done first and use the orders to guide what skills they will be practicing. Instructors can always edit or create patient charts including orders.
Students can chart work done during lab time - Once any skills are complete, students can chart their work including vital signs, interventions, daily care and more.
Barcode scanning available for realistic medication administration - Use barcode scanners to practice medication administration to practice a realistic workflow. Integration with Pocket Nurse® Demo Dose® and Wallcur Practi-Meds™allows you to scan preprinted barcodes with no additional printing.
Grade and review student work - After students complete charting, instructors can review and grade each students' work.